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The term Made in the USA can mean many things. For most people, it signifies that a product is fully manufactured in the United States. While it might not be a deciding factor for everyone when making purchases, it is still an important one.

Purchasing items made in the USA can help drive our economy. It keeps our currency in circulation within our country rather than being spent overseas for products and supplies. Furthermore, products made in the USA support the American job market. When you buy American made products, you are supporting businesses that hire Americans to work in America, and who spend their wages in America. While other countries may lack in labor laws, the United States has set minimum wages and restrictions on hours worked and age minimums. Other countries may hire minors, pay next to nothing, and/or have their employees in less than desirable locations/conditions. By purchasing products made in the USA, consumers are supporting American standards.

High-quality products are cost effective.

These standards are also shown in the goods produced. Cost is frequently a driving force in purchasing decisions; however, you do get what you pay for. While foreign products are able to keep prices down at the cost of their employees and standards; American manufactures strive for a high-quality product that exceeds expectations. While a consumer may save money on the first purchase, is it really savings when they’re making multiple foreign purchases each year compared to one domestically made purchase? This may not be true in all cases, but it is a common occurrence.

American manufacturers also provide a higher level of customer care. If something fails or breaks it is unlikely that a representative of a foreign company will get on a plane and travel to the consumer’s location. A domestic manufacturer is capable of such a trip and values the customer relationship. That relationship fuels their business and allows them to expand and hire more Americans.

There are companies that use the term Made in the USA more loosely than others and treat it like a slogan. Such as companies that purchase import product and assemble it domestically. We at Caster Concepts pride ourselves in manufacturing products Made in the USA.

For those consumers that pride themselves in supporting our local economy and individual growth, Made in the USA isn’t a slogan, it’s the right choice.

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