Many companies utilize manual carts, mechanical guided carts or laser guided vehicles in their manufacturing environment for material handling purposes. If you believe that these are not a safety issue in the manufacturing facility you probably are wrong. An article written and sponsored by Liberty Mutual Research Center stated, “Workers’ compensation claims associated with manual materials handling (MMH) represent the single largest source of claims and costs.” (Dempsey, 1999, p.183-95).

Material handling related claims for strains and sprains can have a significant impact on a company when you consider the total impact of an employee injury, often including:

Caster Concepts, Inc. specializes in medium- to heavy-duty industrial casters and wheels, while focusing on safety in the workplace. For hand manipulation applications many safety issues are considered in the design and build of our product.

For further information or a quote please contact us at here or call 517-629-8838.