Caster Concepts Logo

Our sales team has experienced phenomenal success with TWERGO® wheels, sales have literally doubled from 2015 to 2016, thanks to the standards shattering design and unparalleled ergonomic benefits TWERGO® achieves. TWERGO® is so unique that once we tell potential customers find out about it, they come looking for us . TWERGO® has gotten us into accounts that we have never done business with in the past, and it can do the same for you! We are willing to work with distributors that sell into areas where we do not have coverage or large clients that we are not doing business with.

Which process or safety engineer doesn’t want a product that increases safety and productivity. Those words get calls back and earn appointments. “TWERGO® wheels open up doors that we were never able to walk through in the past, this one of a kind patented wheel gains the interest of decision makers and earns us invitations in, and wins over business from competitors”.

Frankly, we do not have the resources to cover the entire North American Market, creating an opportunity for distributors that are sophisticated, intelligent and understand the value proposition. If you think every thing is sold on price, than please don’t waste your time, or ours. But if you know how to use the following value proposition to open doors, get appointments and close sales, then this certification program is a win-win.

We have case studies and customer testimonials to verify everything we just said.

Our goal is to double our sales of TWERGO again in 2017, but to do that we need a few strategic partners who realize that if youre selling on price, you have no value!

If you’re willing to

  1. Have your sales team participate in a live web based training meeting (average 45 minutes), scheduled at times convenient for you and your team
  2. Add TWERGO products to your website and/or catalog
  3. Purchase Demo units at a heavily discounted price (limited to one unit per model number, per distributor location)

Were willing to

  1. Co-Brand marketing materials, add your name, logo and contact info as an authorized distributor
  2. Provide extremely valuable sales tools, website content and insights that have worked for us and have lead to our tremendous growth with this product line
  3. Provide priority support from our technical and engineering staff, if you’re a certified TWERGO® partner, your technical requests move towards the front of the line
  4. Participation in sales contests, awards, and spiff programs

if youre interested in applying for the program, please contact your sales person or email with “TWERGO Cert” as the subject line.




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