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In industrial applications where strength, capacity, and operational efficiency are a must, that’s where you’ll find heavy-duty steel caster wheels. These casters are perfect for hauling heavy loads, and their steel design resists corrosion and failure better than many other materials.

Effortless Load Handling

No matter what size your load is, you want to move it safely and securely. Industrial heavy-duty steel casters can offer the reliability you expect. Our casters are built directly in the US using QRM best practices and principles to ensure dependability every time.


Steel Casters Considerations in Industrial Use.

One of the most critical considerations on whether industrial steel casters or other caster wheels are necessary is to determine your load weight. A great way to determine this is by using our free online caster configurator tool.

Another factor to consider is a high-temperature application. For temperatures up to 600° F, wheels can be cast iron or steel. These materials also improve ergonomics and have high load capacities, but they can increase wear on the floor surface. As temperatures rise past 600° F, the caster’s load rating is reduced as the steel/cast iron loses strength.


Forged Steel

Fine-grain forged steel wheels are precision machined to offer the greatest load capacity, impact strength, and rollability. Precision tapered bearings complement the characteristics of these wheels. MAX CAPACITY: 20,000 lbs.

Cast Iron

Precision machined cast iron wheels feature premium Class 30 gray iron with heavy-duty cross-sections.
These wheels are excellent for high heat applications. MAX CAPACITY: 15,000 lbs.

Ductile Iron

Ductile iron wheels feature many of the same characteristics of cast iron; however, the ductile iron wheel has higher tensile and yield strengths.
Resists breaking or chipping. MAX CAPACITY: 15,000 lbs.

The Pros and Cons of Forged Steel Wheels vs. Cast Iron Wheels.

When comparing Forged Steel Wheels and Cast Iron Wheels, each has advantages and disadvantages.

Forged Steel Wheels, as the name implies, are manufactured in a forging operation. Forging is the term for shaping metal by using localized compressive forces. Forged steel wheels offer the greatest load capacity, impact strength, and rollability of all caster wheels. Cast Iron Wheels are manufactured by melting pig iron while adding substantial quantities of scrap iron and steel scrap.


  • Can support 30% greater loads than Grey Iron
  • Are more costly to machine to final dimensions
  • Not a good bonding surface due to the density of the molecular structure
  • Excellent for applications with a significant risk of shock loading
  • Can be heat-treated to increase hardness and is easy to weld
    Generally, 30-50% more expensive than a grey iron wheel.

  • Can support a significant amount of weight
  • Machine very easily
  • Make an excellent bonding surface for a urethane tire
  • Cannot withstand shocking loading without risk of cracking or failing
  • Do not make good welding surfaces
  • Cannot be heat treated to change hardness
  • Considered a cheap alternative in an industrial application.

Powered Movement

Ultra-heavy-duty casters have drive options to provide motorized assistance when these movements are required. This not only makes the workplace more productive and efficient, but it further promotes employee safety at the same time. Many of the drive-assisted heavy-duty steel casters also come with braking technologies to further improve employee safety.

Dual-Wheel Options

Keeping a significantly large load close to the ground can lower the load’s center of mass and make it safer during transport. For this reason, ultra-heavyduty casters with dual-wheel options are fantastic for larger, taller carts in many industries. They provide extra stability because they allow for multiples of smaller wheels, with the added support for loads that are impossible to balance perfectly.

While we offer a comprehensive catalog, there are many times when a custom application solves a unique application. That’s why we provide Beyond Standard service, offering casters custom built to your exact specifications.

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