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Several years ago a new thought process began, as our sales team worked to better understand, “Why do customers buy from Caster Concepts?”

Perhaps more importantly, we wanted to know exactly why they continue to buy from Caster Concepts? Why do so many of our customers become long-term buyers?

Our sales team offered many opinions: “They like our inside sales people. They like our quality. They think we’re honest.” We spent hours mapping customer and distributor relationships and evaluating our interactions, communications, what worked, what didn’t. To this day, we keep this interaction “road map” on a large display in the conference room. We use this road map frequently to help clarify our thoughts on the value proposition that we deliver to our customers. It also strengthens our customer focus.

After studying that road map hundreds of times, epiphany struck. Through their buying patterns our customers repeatedly signaled their trust in us (link to 10 keys of trust). Perhaps they didn’t trust us every time or with every interaction, but overall they trusted us. Then the question became, “Why do they trust us?”

It would have been easy to circle back to the original reasons offered by sales, but it wouldn’t have provided clarity to our people.

Reflecting on this forced us at Caster Concepts to be honest about our customer relationships. We tried to articulate in key bullets why customers trust us and where we violate that trust. We’ve since put these bullet points into our internal road map and decision-making process. Thus, everyone in the organization can make decisions that align with our value system and the value that we promise our customers. This is our Guiding Light. Following this road map helps us build and maintain a sustainable organization that creates value for all stakeholders in the business.

We hope that you will take some time to read and reflect on our past posts and articles. Feel free to challenge us if you feel we are off base, or if Caster Concepts, hasn’t fulfilled the promises that we committed to in our manufacturing business.

We build trust, and we do it every minute of every day, with every customer.

At Caster Concepts Inc., we will work with you to find the product that best fits your needs. Caster Concepts Inc. is an ISO 9001-2008 certified designer and manufacturer of a comprehensive line of industrial casters, ranging from a medium-duty series to a heavy-duty series for any application. CCI also manufactures caster wheels to withstand impact, corrosion, temperature extremes and chemicals found in harsh industrial environments. These multi-functional casters and wheels serve a variety of applications in the industrial, automotive, food service, aerospace, material handling and other demanding markets. Learn more about the entire family of Caster Concepts companies – Reaction IndustriesConceptual InnovationsThe Machine CenterFabricating ConceptsTriple E ManufacturingConveyor Concepts and Larcaster by visiting the most comprehensive web site in the caster industry at:

We would love to hear your comments and experiences in building trust please call us at 517-680-7950 or email